29 Jul 2016
I do have a blog post roadmap but each post idea does involve a level of research and thought and seeing as it is 2:30am here in the UK and lets just say I wanted a quick post created on my mobile phone involving little thinking. I have made a few minor tweaks to to this website. Firstly each post when listed on the home page used ro render the entire post and not a...
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27 Jul 2016
I have been extremely busy recently with, well, pretty much everything, including this week’s marathon training schedule on top of caring for mum and an upcoming visit to the Oxord John Radcliffe hospital with her. So, I have been working on various things code wise and have a few blog posts in either Trello as ideas or as draft posts which I will push out soon. To hold myself accountable I will list a roadmap...
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13 Jul 2016
In order to save some cash after seeing some recurring Google invoices for their nearline storage buckets prompted me to realise that I was paying for storage that was essentially just a test of what I at the time considered to be a match for Amazon’s S3 and Glacier storage. Now they do have a nice console web app and an iOS app to manage these but attempts at deleting my buckets of data did...
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12 Jul 2016
In my last post I tweeted out a link about me using a custom IsRunninOnMono() method and enjoying using the Service Stack library with Xamarin on a Mac to develop on. Well, happily I got a great reply from @demisbellot from Service Stack who pointed out theServiceStack.Text library has an alternative to my my solution baked in. @solrevdev FYI you can also use if (Env.IsMono) {} which already provides this Thanks for the reply @demisbellot!...
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11 Jul 2016
Since I decided to move away from Microsoft Windows with the purchase of my Macbook Pro around 4 years go I have been a big fan of not having to spin up a virtual machine with Windows on just to run Microsoft Visual Studio. Now I have used Visual Studio all the way back to the VBScript ASP and Visual Basic days and it is without doubt a fantastic IDE. But then MonoDevelop came along...
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