18 May 2020
In my last post I deployed the standard Blazor template over to vercel static site hosting. In the standard template, the FetchData component gets its data from a local sample-data/weather.json file via an HttpClient. forecasts = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<WeatherForecast[]>("sample-data/weather.json"); I wanted to upgrade this by replacing that call to the local json file with a call to an ASP.NET Core Web API backend. Unfortunately unlike in the version 1 days of zeit where you could deploy...
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17 May 2020
Update - I did deploy an ASP.NET Core Web API backend via Docker to fly.io So, I decided it was time to play with Blazor WebAssembly which is in preview for ASP.NET Core 3.1. I decided I wanted to publish the sample on Zeit’s now.sh platform which has now been rebranded Vercel If you want to follow along this was my starting point I use Visual Studio Code and for IDE support with vscode you...
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25 Apr 2020
A couple of days ago Canonical the custodians of the Ubuntu Linux distribution released the latest long term support version of their desktop Linux operating system. Codenamed Focal Fossa the 20.04 LTS release is the latest and greatest version. For more information about its new features head over to their blog. For us .NET Core developers each new release of Ubuntu generally means that whenever we need to update the .NET Core version we need...
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17 Mar 2020
Today NET Core 3.1.200 SDK - March 16, 2020 was installed on my development and production boxes. With a new release, I tend to also install the Windows hosting bundle associated with each release, and in this case, it was ASP.NET Core Runtime 3.1.2 However, on installing it, the next request to the website showed a 503 Service Unavailable error: Debugging the w3 process in Visual Studio showed this error: Unhandled exception at 0x53226EE9 (aspnetcorev2.dll)...
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06 Mar 2020
When you build ASP.NET Core websites locally, you can view your local site under HTTPS/SSL, go read this article by Scott Hanselman for more information. For the most part, this works great out of the box. However, I am building a multi-tenant application as in I make use of subdomains such as https://www.mywebsite.com and https://customer1.mywebsite.com. So naturally, when I develop locally I want to visit https://www.localhost:5001/ and https://customer1.localhost:5001/ Now you can do this out of...
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