Using System.CommandLine to build a command line application.
20 Dec 2018Using System.CommandLine to build a command line application.
I am writing a command line application and in order to parse arguments and display output to the console I found an experimental library called System.Commandline written by the dotnet team that works really well.
The point for this post was that while this worked great locally I had a brain freeze when it came to getting bitbucket pipelines to build this properly due to it having a custom MyGet feed for the as yet unreleased library.
So here is the sample Nuget.Config file I had to create alongside the solution file to get bitbucket pipelines to build this correctly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="enabled" value="True" />
<add key="automatic" value="True" />
<add key="nuget" value="" />
<add key="dotnet-core" value="" />
<add key="system-commandline" value="" />
<disabledPackageSources />
<add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
Borrowing from the wiki this is really how simple this is to use.
class Program
/// <param name="intOption">An option whose argument is parsed as an int</param>
/// <param name="boolOption">An option whose argument is parsed as a bool</param>
/// <param name="fileOption">An option whose argument is parsed as a FileInfo</param>
static void Main(int intOption = 42, bool boolOption = false, FileInfo fileOption = null)
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --int-option is: {intOption}");
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --bool-option is: {boolOption}");
Console.WriteLine($"The value for --file-option is: {fileOption?.FullName ?? "null"}");
dotnet run -- --int-option 123
The value for --int-option is: 0
The value for --bool-option is: False
The value for --file-option is: null
The dotnet team have done some really great work this year 🙌
Success 🎉