HTTPS/SSL via this GitHub Pages site with

HTTPS/SSL via this GitHub Pages site with

For a while now anything I host on Amazon Web Services I use Amazon’s fantastic certificate manager to generate an SSL certificate on my behalf for free then associate that with an Elastic Load Balancer ensuring that all traffic to sites I host on AWS are being served from HTTPS and SSL.

I also host a site on Firebase and that also comes with a free SSL/HTTPS certificate even for custom domains.

However, this blog and are both blogs that use Jekyll and Github Pages for hosting.

That in itself isn’t a problem as long as you don’t have a custom domain which I do for these.

So, for a while, I’ve had the choice of waiting for Github to come up with a solution, use CloudFlare to host all my DNS or take another look at let’s encrypt.

And I have been WAY too busy to set any of that up.

Unfortunately, this has not only been nagging me as I do not practise why I preach but time is ticking in terms of how browsers are going to treat non-secure sites moving forward.

But yesterday while waiting for an engineer to come I came across a site called which I think works like CloudFlare but seemed way easier to use as within 5 minutes on my phone I had pointed an ALIAS record to this GitHub hosted blog and it was done!

I then added some middle-where to enforce HTTPS/SSL (redirect HTTP to HTTPS) and then added my Google Analytics code for tracking and by then DNS had propagated and each page was secure.

Very impressed!

The only issue I had was with my other site where I had a CNAME record pointing to an AWS S3 bucket for uploaded images and assets which if I changed the image URL from HTTP to HTTPS had a different Amazon SSL certificate therefore not coming from my domain.

But with some small changes to how I linked to that all was fixed.

I.E to

I cannot recommend enough.

I was able to port 2 blogs hosted on GitHub Pages to HTTPS for free in 10 minutes total without giving control of all my DNS records.