Heroku .NET buildpack update to Mono 3.2 and more [feedly]

Running .NET on Heroku. Via the marvellous mono framework I assume.
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Heroku .NET buildpack update to Mono 3.2 and more

Hot on the heels of posts on Running .NET on Heroku and Running OWIN/Katana apps on Heroku, I'm happy to announce a couple of updates to the buildpack:

  1. Now uses the newly released Mono 3.2 runtime. I need to figure out some way for users to select what version they want the same way the Python buildpack uses runtime.txt.
  2. Adds symbolic links from NuGet.targets files to nuget.targets files to account for inconsistent casing practices in NuGet.
  3. Fetches Nuget.targets file that is not broken when doing package restore on Linux. I'm still trying to get Microsoft to accept a pull request to NuGet that fixes this.

I've also spent some time trying to switch from xsp4 to nginx and fastcgi-mono-server4, but am currently stuck.