runat != "server"

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Inline Edit Box.Net

CodePlex is hosting a .NET control called InlineEditBox.NET that provides in-line text editing functionality.

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Ajax examples and demos

Found a new site today called Ajax Rain with some good jquery (and others) examples. One of the more impressive samples I found was a jquery virtual tour

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CSS Grid Layouts

Today I started to build a new website and have been given the design from the graphic designer along with all the images that are needed to build the site. The next step is to turn the design into XHTML and CSS and create a .NET Master Page for this new design. Some earlier reading and research has pointed me to some nice CSS frameworks that can help me out with this. YUI Grids CSS...

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Users Stories, BDD and Rediscovering Business Benefits

On a project I worked on recently the team used the SCRUM methodology for building the software. Scrum is just one of the many flavours of agile software development and for the most part it worked really well. The easy side of any agile project for me are all the good things such as getting the development tree setup in source control, getting a continuous integration server working and practicing techniques such as TDD with...

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